By Eilís Walsh
I can’t believe I am writing my very last editorial as Deputy Editor of An Focal, it’s actually making me sad. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. It seems like only yesterday I was walking in the doors of the SU, nerves at an all-time high. I have made so many friends through doing An Focal and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be involved.
I think now that something along the lines of media is definitely what I wanted to do. My journey as a co-op is not over, however my time with a printed An Focal is. I do hope that I can be given the opportunity to be involved in An Focal in some way in the future. I will monitor closely whoever takes over my position at the end of the semester.
I have heard from a lot of people that An Focal is improving as time goes on and that is great to hear. So I really just want to encourage you to keep up the good work and don’t underestimate how good it will be to have writing for An Focal on your CV. So please, if you contribute to the paper please keep doing so and if you’re considering it, please don’t hesitate. You will not be turned away!
I have met so many new people through working in the SU. I swear I see hundreds of new people every day coming in and out of what seems to be the busiest building on the campus. The group of co-ops that I have met are a lovely group of people. We’re all very different from one another in many different ways but that’s a great thing. The diversity in others is something that I will always be fascinated by.
I also want to thank Niamh on reception, Adele, Martin, Barry and Liz for making me feel so welcome in the Students’ Union. It’s because of you and the co-ops that I have loved coming in to work every day. It doesn’t matter that I’ve to get up at 8:30am every day, I don’t mind it because it means another day of different activities, pranks and memories. I’ll never forget it.
What else? There’s a referendum coming up very soon so I suggest you educate yourself on that if you haven’t already. It does matter to me what you vote, but I will not try to influence you. I just encourage you to think long and hard about the contents of the referendum and how it will affect you.
As for myself, I am excited to see what the next chapter of my life will be like. This last while has been both rewarding and challenging, however the new experiences are what have made me grow as a person. So, it’s goodbye from me as Deputy Editor of An Focal, yet I myself can’t wait to see where life takes me next.