By Tomás Heneghan
Handball Club and Tea Appreciation Society walked away with Best Club and Best Society awards at this year’s UL Clubs and Societies awards earlier this month.
UL Trampoline and Gymnastics Club also won New/Improved Club at the awards, alongside Science Society for New/Improved Society of the year.
The awards ceremony was held at the Strand hotel in Limerick city, on Tuesday, March 15th this year.
UL Dance also won in the Best Society Event category for their All-Ireland Dance Intervarsities, while Karate Shotokan Club won Best Club Event for its Japan Training Expedition.
Best Individual was awarded to Rebecca Wray from UL’s Trampoline and Gymnastics Club, with Best Society Individual going to Lousie Clifford for her work with UL Photographic Society.
UL Tea Appreciation Society’s Sarah Guerin also won the Mike Sadlier award at this year’s awards ceremony.
The runners-up for this year’s awards included GAA and Kayak clubs for Best Club; Music Society and Out in UL for Best Society; Rowing for New/Improved Club; Debating Union and Photographic Society for New/Improved Society; Handball Club’s Spanish Wallball Open and Ultimate Frisbee’s The Siege of Limerick for Club event; Medical Society’s Medical Ball 2016 Casino Royal and Music Society’s SoUL Fest Concert: Hudson Taylor & The Academic in Support of Donal Walsh Foundation #LiveLife for Society Event.
Jack Phelan for Kayak Club and Tessa Kingston for Outdoor Pursuits Club failed to secure Club Individual of the year. Conor O’Brien from Dance UL and Seán Lynch from Out in UL also failed to win in the Society Individual category.