By Ciara Corcoran
Hi everyone,
Welcome back, we’ve missed you! To all our new first years, welcome to UL and prepare for the best 4 years of your life.
I’m Ciara, your Welfare officer for this year. While Colin represents you all as President, and Marian looks after your academic issues, I help you look after yourself and your well-being. I deal with your non-academic needs such as; mental health, sexual health, accommodation issues, and financial aid. Anything that you have a question or issue about I’m here to help as best I can.
It is my job to offer informal advice and assistance on any issue you have affecting your welfare or well-being. I’ll help you out as much as possible and if I can’t, I’ll refer you to someone who can. It doesn’t matter what year you’re in or what you’re studying, everyone is welcome in my office. If there is anything that bothers you, I’ll make it my priority to help as best as I can.
Throughout the year I will run awareness campaigns such as Mental Health weeks and Sexual Health and Guidance Week, also known as SHAG week. I’m also the person with the condoms – 3 for €1 and the €1 goes to charity, win-win! Just call into my office or ask behind reception.
Keep an eye on your student handbook diary and the ULSU Facebook page for what campaigns will be on each week. If you fancy getting involved in organising these with the Welfare Team just drop me an email on or call into my office. I’ll also have small projects popping up throughout the year which I will keep you all updated on.
Not having you guys around over the summer was unusual but the SU was busy as ever. We’ve visited SUs in the UK, I’ve planned awareness campaigns for the year, I’m in the final stages of creating a grant/finance guide, and been generally busy with bits and pieces that pop up throughout the day. I’ve met many people within and outside the university who will help give you all the best support we can provide. I’ve also had to do the boring not-so-exciting stuff like attending meetings, paperwork, and many phone calls.
Starting on September 10th (Wednesday, week 1) we’re marking World Suicide Prevention Day in conjunction with UL Smarter Travel. This will be a cycle resembling the national Cycle Against Suicide. There will be orange bicycles and t-shirts dotted around the campus with the aim of stopping the growth of suicide in Ireland. If you’d like to get involved as a volunteer or cyclist just drop me an email or call into the Union.
In week 4 it’s Physical Health Week with lots happening on campus in conjunction with the First Seven Weeks programme. There will be events held every day with information about how to stay healthy and happy. Sexual Health and Guidance (SHAG) week will be held in week 5 so keep an eye out for all the fun stuff on campus. Make sure to pick up the next edition of An Focal for more information about both of these campaigns.
Just remember, it’s ok not to be ok. No problem is too big or too small; I’m here to help you so call in to see me at any time. Get involved, be engaged, keep an eye out for each other, and you will have the time of your life.
Looking forward to meeting you all!