We all waste our days snapping our friends selfies with too many chins on SnapChat or using cheesy chat up lines on Tinder, but it’s time to get productive and download a few lifesaving apps.
1. Snapseed
For those of us who like to give their photo a bit of filter before uploading to Facebook or Instagram, this app is perfect for you. Unlike some of the many photo editing apps out there, Snapseed contains more than basic filters. The app has extensive options for changing the format of your photo along with a wide range of filters and adjustment settings.
2. My Fitness Pal
This app is perfect if you are trying to lose a bit of weight and stay on track with your healthy eating and exercise. When you first download the app, it gives you the option of entering your current weight and height, and how much weight you hope to lose. You will then have the option to add up you daily calorie intake by searching the food you have eaten in the search box. The handy thing about this is that they have thousands of food items saved, along with the calories per grams and servings, so you don’t have to figure it out for yourself. The app also counts your exercise and deducts it from your food intake. There’s also a daily blog post on the app with plenty of tips on exercising and food recipes, so you’re bound to keep up the good work!
3. Magisto
Magisto creates short, slick movie clips by splicing together your video footage and pictures, which can then have music playing in the background. If you’re not happy with your video, you can choose to tweak it by going back and playing around with the various elements. This is perfect for all aspiring film-makers or for mortifying your friend at their twenty-first with a collection of all their finest SnapChat moments.
4. Evernote
Most people have this app on most of their devices, but for those who don’t, it’s definitely worth downloading. Evernote is super handy for note taking and also lets you share pictures and videos. The app syncs with all your devices so you can access your information wherever you go. Evernote also lets you creative collaborative workspaces and ticks off your list of tasks as you get them done. Happy days!
5. CocoPPa
This app lets you customize your home screen to your own style and has some seriously cute icons you use for each of the apps on your home screen. It may not be the most productive app on the list, but it will make your home screen look fabulous while you download all the others.
By Michaela Keating