The University of Limerick is a home away from home for over 11,000 students from Undergrad to Masters. You will spend 4 or more years here, and so you’ll quickly find it your second home also, with so many memories ready to be made, as well as new friends from all over the country, and even out of the country.
From the perfect place to grab a coffee on the go to Techno Tuesday at the Stables every week here is the ultimate guide to UL and Limerick.
There are many resources for students (freshers and returning) to utilise to help them with all and any needs.
Student Life is the perfect place to chill out in between lectures and tutorials, you can play a game of pool, or charge your phone/laptop up for a bit.
The First 7 Weeks really makes the transition of Secondary School to University easier, with workshops for the first 7 weeks, as well as their very welcoming hub. If you have any queries or worries be sure to call into them, as they will know exactly what to do and who you should go to.
Wolfie is our mascot. UL students are all part of the Wolf Pack. We are very proud of Wolfie. You should be too! You’ll often see Wolfie out and about. You may see him around the courtyard some afternoons. Alternatively, he could be at events, such as the Recruitment Drive!
Black Dog is a famous dog that crops up about UL from time to time. We all love a doggy snap, so be sure to snap the Student Life Snapchat if you see Black Dog (or any dogs for that matter).
Brown Thomas is the brown statue outside the main building. If you are still finding your whereabouts around UL and meeting a friend, Brown Thomas is the perfect meeting spot. He’s fairly central to the campus.
If you are a little down or stressed go to the café in the Library. I kid you not by just ordering from the wonderful ladies there, your spirits will be instantly lifted. The gals at the library are our mammies away from home!
Chance are you are going to drink lots of coffee during your time in UL, so here’s my top tip: a small coffee at the Stables is €1 before 10 am, and Starbucks coffee is €1 before 9am. There are loads of places to get coffee on campus, you are never too far away from coffee, don’t worry!
Farmers Market happens on Tuesday afternoons, if you’re looking for somewhere different to eat, (or drink coffee!). There are huge choices from fancy chocolates to Chinese foods, there is something for everyone!
Limerick City nightlife is great, there is literally something for everyone. As a very student populated city with Mary I, Limerick School of Art and Design and LIT also sharing the same nightclubs you’ll definitely find a great mix.
Student nights in town are Mondays and Thursdays, as it’s the start and end of the week! Wednesday is an ideal night for the Stables, but Tuesdays is quickly becoming a big Stables night once they begin their Battle of the Bands and Techno Tuesdays.
If your hanging about your student house for the weekend International Night at the Stables is the perfect spot to make new friends and learn about different cultures.
Week. Sorted. (That is obviously a joke, we’re all about balance here. Choose your nights!)
There is a wide selection of pubs and nightclubs to go to in Limerick City. Angel Lane is a bittersweet choice, as some students hate it, and some love it. Despite it not being everyone’s favourite it is still always very busy (and sweaty). Then again, if it’s a Monday and you’re low on cash 3 is the Magic Number is class- this is where everything is €3- entry, drinks, all of it, woo!
Icon is “Lane’s” sister club, but for the older students, it’s 21+ on a normal night!
Molly’s is a club that has its moments. The staff are lovely they (including the bouncers!). If it’s super busy at Molly’s definitely go up to the third floor, it seems to be forgotten and is the best floor, I believe!
DIE is on once a month at Dolans, and as a student, you definitely have to go to DIE once as your time as a student. The venue is a little more laid back, with 2 rooms for DJs and then an outside area upstairs which is a lot more relaxed.
Alternatively, Costello’s or ‘Costies’ is another safe bet if you’re not too into the nightclub scene. The bottom floor has more of a pub look, and the second floor is great for a little dance.
Plus, who doesn’t love Flan??