Meet your UL Transforms leaders!
By Niamh Delmer
The students and staff of the University of Limerick are embarking on a fitness adventure. With four members of staff and four student members leading the way, UL is hoping to demonstrate that it is possible to work and study while maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
So who are the courageous leaders involved?
Tony Sheridan
“Getting myself to the gym will be as much as getting myself out of the office.”
For UL’s social media manager, Tony Sheridan, UL Transforms is about more than his fitness but also about striking a balance between his work and his life outside of work.
Tony revealed his busy, work-oriented lifestyle which sometimes involves returning home at 10 pm where he continues to do some more work. He hopes that UL Transforms will force him to spend more time on himself.
Having been in a position where he used to go to the gym “ten times a week and be really up to scratch with my fitness” returning to the gym with UL Transforms brought back some memories for Tony of certain exercises and equipment. However, he wasn’t shy to admit that some of the equipment seemed “a lot heavier now.”
Despite this, Tony is set to enter the programme with the view that this is not “a seven-week change – this is a change I want to have from now on.”